PMC Bronze 223REM 55 Gr Full Metal Jacket
Take advantage of PMC Bronze affordability for any situation that involves high-volume shooting without compromising downrange results. Bronze bridges a gap for target shooters or hunters who get genuine pleasure from challenging themselves, shot after shot, to become better marksmen.
BALLISTICS (barrel length: 24 inches)
VELOCITY (feet per second)
- Muzzle: 3200
- 100 Yds: 2833
- 200 Yds: 2493
- 300 Yds: 2180
- 400 Yds: 1893
- 500 Yds: 1635
ENERGY (foot-pounds)
- Muzzle: 1250
BULLET PATH (inches)
- Muzzle: -1.50
- 100 Yds: +1.43
- 200 Yds: 0
- 300 Yds: -7.06
- 400 Yds: -21.48
- 500 Yds: -45.47
Ballistic Coefficient
- 0.243
Bullet Length
- 0.740
Sectional Density
- 0.156
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